How Worry Impacts Your Mental Health

How Worry Impacts Your Mental Health

In the best parts of life we get to truly savor the present moment, embrace joy without reservation, and face challenges with confidence. In this post, we'll explore how worry can subtly sabotage your happiness and discover tools to reclaim your peace.

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Trina’s Story: The Invisible Struggle With Social Anxiety Disorder

Trina’s Story: The Invisible Struggle With Social Anxiety Disorder

Social anxiety disorder causes intense worry regarding any social situation and affects your ability to enjoy these experiences. You might criticize and dwell on your actions long after the event ends. Often, people with social anxiety disorder have difficulties maintaining relationships. They excessively worry about saying or doing something embarrassing in front of others. Sometimes, social anxiety can be so severe they may avoid any situation where they must interact with others, such as school, work or gatherings. This behavior often leads to isolation and even depression.

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How To Practice Self-Care When Scrolling Through Social Media
Cynthia Dimon LCSW Cynthia Dimon LCSW

How To Practice Self-Care When Scrolling Through Social Media

Remember that what someone posts online is a highlight reel of their actual life. Sometimes, it appears as though their lives are more exciting than they are. Although challenging, try not to base your life choices on what you see online. Be authentic and stay true to yourself and your values by focusing on your personal goals, not those of others. It's easy to lose sight of what is real if you spend too much time scrolling.

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